A Hunger Games Story

Hi there everyone :) I love the hunger games so fricken much! So I felt like making my own version of the story! The only original charecters in it are Katniss & Peeta. The rest are made up!

Hi there everyone :) I love the hunger games so fricken much! So I felt like making my own version of the story! The only original charecters in it are Katniss & Peeta. The rest are made up! :D

Created by: Madelynn
  1. Hi my name is Clover. I am from District 12. I am 16 years old and my Little sister, Tulip is just 12. She just turned 12 last week to be exact. Happy right? Wrong. Once you turn 12 you are eligible to be a tribute in the Hunger Games,
  2. We both get cleaned up and get dressed in fancy clothes so we can go to the reaping. The reaping is where a super crazy girl named Eifel Coin comes to your district, pulls someone's name thats on a slip of paper out of a bowl and the person on that slip is a tribute in the Hunger Games unless someone volunteers for them.
  3. Tulip, my mother and I head out to the square. This is where the reaping is held. Eifel Coin gets on the stage. "Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be EVER in your favor!" Now let's draw the names of our two tributes.
  4. Eifel walks over to the bowl with the girls names. She reaches her hand in and as this happens I look at Prim and I can see the fear that is on her face. I am standing next to my friend, Diamond Fox. She Whispers to me. "Relaxe we made it through 4 years we can make it out for 5." she says, I nod. Eifel walks back to the podium and reads the name out loud. It's not me, it's not Tulip. It's Diamond Fox.
  5. What? How can that be? Diamond's name is entered 4 times. FOUR TIMES! There is THOUSANDS of slips in that bowl!! Diamond looks back at me and makes her way up to the stage. No, I'm not letting her this. DIAMOND!" I shout. Guards come and grab my arms. "NO! STOP! I VOLUNTEER!!! I VOLUNTEER AS A TRIBUTE!" I shout at the top of my lungs."Dear, did you not hear? The Capitol is now letting 2 girl tributes and 2 guy tributes out there so the both of you can fight!" Eifel says. What have I gotten us into?
  6. I walk up the the stage and stand next to Diamond. "Thank you for trying Clover." she Whispers to me. "What's your name dear?" Eifel asked me. "Clover. Clover Coal." "So this isn't your sister? I'm surprised...." she says and walks over to the boys bowl. She draws two slips out of the bowl and walks back to the podium. "Trout Sea and Catfish Mine!". I don't exactly now them. We have hardly EVER spoken.... But they honestly look deadly. Maybe district 12 can win this year.....
  7. The four of us are lead to a building where we say our goodbyes-and possibly the last time we see our family and people we love. Tulip and my mother come in first. "Clover!" Tulip says and hugs me tight. "Clover, your gonna live. Your going to live ok?" my mom says, I smile at her. "Thank you mom." "I love you Clover. Here is how you survive, when the gong rings run straight for a bow and try and grab a bunch of knives." Tulip says. I can't hold back tears. "Thank you Tulip!" I say and hug her. She can't hold back tears either. Then the guards come in and tell them they have to leave. "I LOVE YOU GUYS!" I shout as they are leaving the room. Then, Diamond's parents come in. "Clover, we can't believe you tried to take our daughters place in The Hunger Games!" her dad says and gives me a hug. "She's my best friend and I don't want her to b put through something as deadly as the games." I say. "It still means a lot to us though!" Her mother says. They both give me a gift. One is a silver coin- It is SUPER rare in Panem! "How did you get this?" I ask. "I know a guy." her dad says. I hug them both and when the time comes, the guards come to get them.
  8. After them, my role model Katniss Everdeen comes in with her husband and kids. "Katniss! Peeta!" I say and hug them both. " Clover, You volunteered for your best friend! Your just like me!" Katniss exclaims. "I try to be like that." I reply. "Here are some cookies." Peeta says and hands me some. "Proof your dad was a baker!" I joke and smile. Katniss pulls something out of her pocket, it's the mocking jay pin. She wore it when she was in the hunger games! "This pin is for you, Clover. You deserve it." she says and hands it to me. "Thank you Katniss!" I say and hug her. "When the gong rings go straight for the backpacks and the best bow you see! Then run off into the woods and find shelter! I suggest a tree or cave. If you choose tree go in it. That way if any tributes find you, you will have a long time to attack! Peeta was in a cave that's like under the ground in the hunger games we were in. So choose a cave like that!" she tells me. "Thank you Katniss! This will help!"
  9. After saying my final goodbyes to Katniss, Peeta and her kids, I board a train with my other district tributes to the Capital. We can pick our room on the train. Mine is a huge room with a huge bed... Did I mention the train is well... HUGE!? Diamond, Catfish and Trout choose their rooms and get settled. Trout walks into my room later that day. "Hey Clover. You look pretty nervous." he says. "My mom says I'm gonna Win! Tulip thinks I'm gonna win! Katniss and Peeta say I'm gonna win! All of the other tributes are even close to my size! I'm not gonna last past the first day!" I tell him and break down into sobs. He walks over to my bed and sits down. "I know we have never spoken before but trust me it will be okay. And everyone who said goodbye to me said the same thing." he says to me. "Thank you." I say and rest my head on his shoulder... WHAT AM I DOING?!?
  10. That night we have to meet our mystery mentor and Eifel for dinner. I look in the closet that's in my room which gives me capital styled clothes.... Wow! The heels look so high! I try on every dress until I find the perfect one. A blue lace dress with a studded belt with some blue high heels. I quickly fix my hair and meet everyone for dinner. "Eifel, can I have this dress? It's so-" I say but the I notice who my mentor is. ITS PEETA! "Dear, if you live you can have the dress, it's never been my favorite anyway." Eifel says. I sit down next to Diamond but I end up taking the seat that's next to Trout too. Oh how I hope nothing romantic Happens!

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