Which Hunger Games Character Are You?

Hunger games is an amazing series. If you're picked you fight to the death with 23 other tributes. The arena changes everytime. Hunger games show the capitol is still in charge.

What if YOU were a tribute? Would you be Katniss, Peeta, or Rue? Would you win? Sorry for lack of options, but find out in this small mini awesome amazing quiz!

Created by: Invisible

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's time for the reaping, what happens?
  2. You're in the van with your District Partner and Mentor...
  3. What do you wear to the Hunger Games?
  4. You allie with...
  5. Once there you...
  6. The first days your sponsers...
  7. You make it to the top...
  8. At interviews you were...
  9. You are...
  10. Do you win?

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Quiz topic: Which Hunger Games Character am I?