What High School Stereotype Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What High School Stereotype Are You?
I got emo and the clown, dont really care much, i like doing weird stuff because i think it's funny, and i dont mind being called emo, i like the music, and i sort of have the hairstyle but it's more normal looking compared to other people.
im emo! You are frustrated with yourself, and others. You are agressive, fiesty and romantic. You hang around with alot of people and dont necessarily like them. Alot of people add you on myspace, but you don't care. You hate your parents. Some people mistake you for being gay, (if you aren't already) and you love to look out of place. n_\\
You are frustrated with yourself, and others. You are agressive, fiesty and romantic. You hang around with alot of people and dont necessarily like them. Alot of people add you on myspace, but you don't care. You hate your parents. Some people mistake you for being gay, (if you aren't already) and you love to look out of place.
o3o im emo xDD
You are frustrated with yourself, and others. You are agressive, fiesty and romantic. You hang around with alot of people and dont necessarily like them. Alot of people add you on myspace, but you don't care. You hate your parents. Some people mistake you for being gay, (if you aren't already) and you love to look out of place.
right. but i dont hate my parents
kreiza1 -
What High School Sterotype are you?
Your Result: EmoYou are frustrated with yourself, and others. true
You are agressive, fiesty and romantic. true
You hang around with alot of people and dont necessarily like them. true
Alot of people add you on myspace, but you don't care. true
You hate your parents. deffenitaly true
Some people mistake you for being gay, (if you aren't already) um.....wtf
and you love to look out of place. of course i do :P lol
SCENE???? Damn I've become the enemy.... At least they ain't as bad as emos. Alothough my high-school sterotype was that kid that everyone liked and if you messed with him or his pals, you would regret it. Sounds douchey but I didn't want to really be in a clique. Guess I'm a N/A?
noroka1 -
Your Result: Emo 78%
You are frustrated with yourself, and others. You are agressive, fiesty and romantic. You hang around with alot of people and dont necessarily like them. Alot of people add you on myspace, but you don't care. You hate your parents. Some people mistake you for being gay, (if you aren't already) and you love to look out of place.
Honey I AM gay. XD
And I never used myspace and I´m not neccesarily romantic either
This was impossible to answer. I had to try and figure out what would possibly sound somewhat like my actual answer.
Hitodama1 -
Completely matches!
My result is the geekI am glad about that because geeks are least likely to be victims of crime
i got cheerleader lol, yeah im sure my gf would love that (no she seriously would laugh and fall to the floor)im emo but it was the runner up so im good, pretty cool quiz i guess
3.141592654... is pi, and one of my friends has 100 digits memorized. The formula is that of photosynthesis. I'm not sure about "/(bb|[^b]{2})/" , though. Obviously, I got geek.:p And just because I'm smart doesn't make me ugly!
Emo shocker
I got Cheerleader-description doesnt fit me and will probably never for my whole life. Meh, who cares?
It said I got cheerleader. I'm not one but really want to be a cheerleader even though I am a boy
I got scene...wtf hahaha. I guess this sorta describes me but I don't do all that weird s--- in the description...
Alorra_1 -
I'm a cheerleader? That's nothing like me.
HOW THE HECK AM I ALL OF THEM!!!! I mean emo, cheerleader( which I never considered that) and etc. I mean I never thought myself as one of them. Anypoop I don't like it... -_-!
I got emo. Well, I do get frustrated with myself and others.
Your Result: Emo
You are frustrated with yourself, and others.
^^That line is so true hahahahaahhaaaa -
I Got Cheerleader! & i really am one.!!!
It said im a cheerleader. It is right! Im on the most popular group at school. I would die if i wasn't a cheerleader!!!
It said im a cheerleader. It is right! Im on the most popular group at school. I would die if i wasn't a cheerleader!!!
T.T I got emo...big surprise ha. 10 stars! Loved the quiz and the description was very accurate! : )
Geek? First of all, I don't care if some sucker fails their test. I won't do it for them. Eh, all the rest is true...
I got jock. I guess I'm kinda jock-ish, at least more than any of tbe other answers. But there's more to me than simply 'jock'....wait a second...I hate jocks! WHAT THE EFF IS WRONG WITH ME?!