What geometry dash difficulty are you

Don't worry this quiz is actually good unlike the other ones on here lol. Just answer all the questions honestly and it well tell you your difficulty.

Sorry if this is inaccurate. Its my first quiz. However it actually tests skill instead of how long you have been playing, so it doesn't ask how many stars you have.

Created by: YellowMarkers
  1. How many official levels have you beaten?
  2. What is the highest demon difficulty you have beaten?
  3. Have you completed the demon gauntlet?
  4. How often do you play?
  5. If you had to beat an easy demon you haven't done yet, about how many attempts would it take you on average?
  6. Have you completed all demon packs?
  7. Do you have a GD Youtube channel?
  8. Do you like Fingerdash?
  9. (won't affect score) how's your day going?
  10. (won't affect score) how eager are you to see results?

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Quiz topic: What geometry dash difficulty am I
