What Is Your GD Difficulty

You don't need to pick honestly but if you want to actually find out what difficulty you are, then you should pick honestly and truthfully. Thank you.

If you like Geometry Dash, like the difficulty ratings, and want to find out what difficulty you are, you're in luck that you found this awesome quiz!

Created by: Potatolandman
  1. Do you have 15 demons or more?
  2. Do you have at least 700 stars?
  3. Do you have at least 1000 diamonds?
  4. Do you have at least 30 secret coins?
  5. Do you have at least 70 user coins?
  6. How many RobTop levels (Or original levels) have you beaten?
  7. How many RobTop levels (Or original levels) do you have all 3 coins on?
  8. What is the best demon difficulty you've beat?
  9. Do you have at least 5 map packs?
  10. What do you think you'll get? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What Is my GD Difficulty
