Geometry Dash Demon Quiz

This is a quiz about some of the demons in geometry dash. It's pretty hard to get 100%, (unless you cheat) but anyway, it will quiz you on verifications and stuff like that.

This quiz took a long time to make, writing there paragraphs, putting in the result messages, all the questions and answers...blah blah blah. But what I mean is that I hope you like the quiz since it took a while to make.

Created by: Pickle
  1. Let's start off with one that some of you may not know. What is the CURRENT top 1 on the pointercrate demonlist?
  2. What makes silent circles so famous?
  3. Who verified the extreme demon "firework?"
  4. How many demons are in the official levels?
  5. Who verified the extreme demon "bloodbath?" (There are going to be many more questions like this)
  6. And what about sonic wave infinity?
  7. How long had Tartarus stayed as the top 1 demon?
  8. What is the pointercrate demonlist? (If you got question 1 right you'll probably get this one right)
  9. Time for another question about verification! This is a hard one. Who verified the extreme demon "spacial rend?" No one will get this legitimately! (I looked it up too, so this is Google's answer)
  10. Last question! What was the first demon level?

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