What Fruit Are You???

Everyone has a different personality. That's why I have categorized 10 different categories in my quiz. You choose your answer and all the calculations will eventually add up and give you the fruit you.

If you don't believe my quiz when you get your results the. I apologize and it's all baised on thought..... I tried my best with this quiz. I LOVE YOU LLAMASS....PEACE.

Created by: A Llama
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like being around people?
  2. Your friend calls you crying because she just had a break up...your favorite show is about to start. The only way that you can possibly watch it is by staying home and finishing it....what do you do.
  3. I choose....
  4. Your alone...what do..
  5. I find a expensive necklace on the floor and I..
  6. At a party I'd prefer
  7. If you could be anything...what would it be??
  8. What fruit do you think you are??
  9. Are you a fast runner?
  10. I choose.
  11. Do you think you could even be described as a fruit??

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Quiz topic: What Fruit am I???