Whats your Fruit Inflation?

Ever feel like unleashing the juicy, immobile fruit within you? Take this test to find out whether you would become a Helpless blueberry, bottom heavy pear, sweet cherry, or gargantuan watermelon!

( This quiz contains fruit inflation, as well as inanimate TF themes, and a small amount of popping. if this makes you uncomfortable or is just not your thing, Its probably best to leave this quiz alone )

Created by: Baluar
  1. Out of the examples provided, whats your favorite color?
  2. If you were to inflate to any size, would it be ...
  3. In the 2005 film "Charlie and the chocolate factory" what is your favorite part of violets fruit inflation.
  4. Your being told you will inflate into a fruit, do you wear ...
  5. If you were to become a fruit, would you enjoy keeping, or losing your hands and feet
  6. Would you enjoy being a fruit growing on ...
  7. You inflate into a fruit, your very happy, but your head begins to sink into your body without stopping, do you ...
  8. If you wanted someone to inflate with you, would it be ...
  9. You become a human fruit, would you ...
  10. (Last Question) If you became a fruit, and there was no way to restore your full humanity, would you want to ...

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Quiz topic: Whats my Fruit Inflation?

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