What fnaf dude r u

Hiya! I'm Alaina, and this is le epic! This is probably trash since it's my first quiz, but it's alright. Follow me on medibang I'm fløwer_atrzso yeee

Uh I hope you like it, it took a really long time, so uh yeah this is my first quiz and it's alright, I mean, I could be better, right? Anyways, hope you enjoy

Created by: Alaina ;-;
  1. How old r u
  2. What gender are you? I'll still call you you/them
  3. What's ur fav animal?
  4. If your fav fnaf character hugged you, how would you feel about it?
  5. Hold on, ima go do something
  6. Whos ur fav character
  7. Ok boomers
  8. Haha u like le quizz
  9. E
  10. Ok, fav colors?

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