Which Afton are you? (Including Vanny and GlitchTrap).

Hey guys! It's me GlitchGal and I'm back with yet another quiz on the Aftons! How is everyone doing? Things are going a bit difficult in the world again so, to keep everyone entertained, I published another quiz of mine. I know many other people make quizzes too but y'know! I just want to do a quick shoutout kind of thing since I could not answer her comment as I don't have an account, I mean... I may of forgotten my password but y'know, it's the same thing! LUNA DG IF, I really enjoyed your quizzes and I would recommend them lots! Hope you can see this!
In this quiz, you will be seeing which Afton you are most like! It does include Vanny and GlitchTrap although they are not technically Aftons. I decided to make GlitchTrap Vincent as you can really add a character in twice! It may not be 100% accurate but I put a lot of effort into it so please enjoy!! Also, don't feel you have to answer the gender and age one as some of you might not be comfortable saying this online although it is safe. I can't see any of your answers but I can see which character you get, ei: William Afton or Vanny. Have fun, bye!!