What FNaF Animatronic are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What FNaF Animatronic are you?
Haha, omg I got mangle (I wanted foxy) and it is SOOO much like me! I love to talk, and my older brother tells me to shut up (lol) and when I do, I am nice to hang around with, and I love messing with my best friend and boyfriend. . .
Fun! I got Mangle, kinda wanted Springtrap but who cares, Mangle is great. It is also very accurate and basically just describes me lol. I am probably the most annoying and talkative friend in my friend group and I am pretty outgoing so I enjoyed this.
Great quiz, one of the best ones I've taken!
Wow how Manny have you done I have done 109
I got Bonnie! :3
OMG! i got the marionette! im dark and mysterious. i am quick and clever. i can face an issue and quickly come up with a solution and me and my gf were picking characters from fnaf to be and she said i was charlie/marionette and she was Elizabeth/circus baby! i wanted puppet to!!! (what a quiescence lol)
I got Foxy! I wanted Mangle but Foxy is still great lol
Kewl, i got Golden Freddy/ Springtrap! Springtrap is my FAVORITE character! I loved this quiz!
i got mangle(wanted foxy) but mangle is another foxy so why not enjoy them for now
Fun quiz! I was hoping I got marionette, and got toy freddy... I don't even talk that much.
I got Foxy, and next was Mangle. So happy with this result. :D
I do like handing out with funtime foxy so im not surprised i got fnaf 1 foxy
I loved it I am golden freaddy or Springtrap\ golden bonny
Im Satisfed with golden Freddy/Fredbear or SpringTrap to.
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