What Emoji are you?

hi, I'm fungirl! I hope you like my quiz but let me tell you about my quiz first. In this quiz, you will find out what emoji you are. Who knows what emoji u will get?

there are four different kinds of emojis I hope you like this. Please tell me which emoji u got, and some suggestions in the comments. Bye everyone!!!

Created by: fungirl
  1. What would you rather do with your free time?
  2. Which of these quotes (that I made up), do u like better?
  3. what would u do at the mall?
  4. What type of hairclip would u wear?
  5. what do you do at lunchtime?
  6. Ok. Now I need you to run around your house for 60 seconds. If I was there when u finished running, what would you say to me?
  7. WHAT Emoji do you think you will be?
  8. So, since I can't think of any more questions, I will do random questions.
  9. what is your favorite color?
  10. did u like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Emoji am I?
