The official emoji quiz

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I've worked really hard on this quiz and I hope you enjoy it. It took me weeks. I was inspired by A.J. Vids with his awesome what emoji are you so big shout out to him and his quiz!

If you don't get the score you want please tell me in the comment I would like to know. Also if someone could please tell me how to type proper emojis it would be much appreciated. Hope you like it!!!!! MurfyPurfy

Created by: MurfyPurfy
  1. what emotion do you feel most often?
  2. dance?
  3. sport?
  4. what emotion are you feeling right now?
  5. how do you feel about life?
  6. what do you do in your spare time?
  7. How do you feel about your parents
  8. feelings on siblings?
  9. how much do you like this quiz
  10. How many friends do you have?

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