What dragon(or scavenger) are you in this quiz? (WoF)

This is my Wings of Fire fan quiz. It has a few made up dragons and one human. ⚠!WARNING!⚠ All deaths are very gruesome, except for the SandWing result. So if you don't like gore, probably don't take this quiz.

Ooh, look! Dragonets of Destiny! Meh. AACK SCARLET SOMEBODY SAVE MY TAIL!!! Ohh, Cleril💖? IceWings are too dignified for that!! Oh, I have reached the amount of characters. BYEBYE!!!!

Created by: Moonwatcher is cool
  1. What gender are you?
  2. What tribe are you(out of these)?
  3. How would you like to die?
  4. Let's do some roleplay!! You are walking down the street when a random dragon pins you to a wall, demanding all your money. You...
  5. How did you like the quiz? I AM SO SORRY IT'S SUPER SHORT!!
  6. Hi. JK about that last question. Really, we're going to have at least 10 questions. So, what do you hope to get?
  7. What rope do you play in the tribe?
  8. I ran out of ideas.
  9. ...
  10. Pick a destiny.

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Quiz topic: What dragon(or scavenger) am I in this quiz? (WoF)
