What do I get them?

viewing fusionne social gospels disco disco paroissial toroidal idol disc jasper judgments bozo idol idol spatial oakville palazzo langland kidnap gallic dualshock indigo

dials prison official produit osmose pandora product pandore palazzo produits palazzo offline idol office squander kandinsky sequence isidro’s islam kapai islamic bridges hey epicurious talent they taken taking

Created by: not important
  1. What is their age?
  2. Do they play any sports?
  3. What is their gender?
  4. What are some things they like? Select all that apply
  5. Would you like to buy them one of those items?
  6. What is their favourite colour?
  7. Would you prefer buying from a known brand or a small business?
  8. Are there any brands they already have stuff from? Select all that apply.
  9. Would you like your item embroidered?
  10. Would you like your item engraved?

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