Would you be a good idol?

This quiz is for fun and don't be too offended if you aren't suitable for an idol! Oh and k-pop fans are you there? I'm one too and I wish all of you the best of luck!

Remember that no matter what result you get, you're amazing and to never give up. If you have a dream to be an idol but the quiz says you're not suitable, always give things a try! You might get in!!

Created by: Tan
  1. Can you dance?
  2. Do you have strong vocals?
  3. Can you handle hate well?
  4. Do you fit in the kbs and if you don't, are you ok to do plastic surgeries(maybe) or wear a lot of makeup?
  5. Would you be able to always keep on smiling?
  6. Are you an introvert?
  7. Are you ok to be overworked and maybe also put on a diet?
  8. Do you have a passion for music?
  9. Are you ok with shipping?
  10. Do you know korean?

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