~You Are An Idol~

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This quiz is for entertainment purposes only.So I don't want this thing that I do for fun to cause any weird lynchings, you know. *✩‧ ⋆☾⋆✧ *✩‧ .⋆☾⋆✧

The results of this quiz tell about what will happen to you as an idol or your progress towards becoming an idol.*✩‧ ✩.⋆☾⋆✧ *✩‧ ✩.⋆☾⋆✧

Created by: Misato Agriche
  1. Let's get started! First question is, is there a bad thing in your personality, what is it?
  2. Have your dreams become an obsession?
  3. something you say "I wish"
  4. Bir renk seç
  5. Do you get along well with people?
  6. Do you think you can achieve your REAL dream?
  7. Have you ever wanted to disappear?
  8. Okay, let's be honest, what is the main obstacle in your life?
  9. If you were an emotion you would probably be...
  10. The quiz is over. How do you feel?

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