What type of a flirt are you? (Ladies only please)

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Nowadays, girls have their own ways of showing their feelings to the guy they like. They also know how to flirt, but some don't know how they do well in flirting.. Sorry, this is just for an entertainment though.

Here is a quiz for you to know how well you are at flirting the guy you like. Just for entertainment purposes. Just be honest in answering these questions.

Created by: Erza Scarlet
  1. What would you do if you met a guy's gaze in between classes?
  2. You're down town with your friend, but only she gets chatted up! Your reaction would be..
  3. Your replies to your emails on the cellphone are always...
  4. You found out what sort of girls your crush likes, you..
  5. Do you change the way you act when you are with your guy friends and your girl friends?
  6. If you have to pick an "item" to get your guy, you'd pick
  7. You need to kill time because your friend cancelled a meeting with you at the last minute, you
  8. When wrapping a present for your boyfriend, you..
  9. Your class clown just made a really bad joke, you..
  10. If you get a crush on a guy, what would you do first?

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Quiz topic: What type of a flirt am I? (Ladies only please)