Which metal subgenre are you? (The ultimate quiz)

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What metal subgenre are you? Try out my personality quiz and find out! Results may not necessarily be 100% accurate as it's made for entertainment purposes only. Have fun!

All of the results are ironic and sarcastic on purpose as I mostly used my friend's tastes to tease them a bit. And they contain stereotypization as well so don't get offended, it's just a joke :)

Created by: Kristian of My SpaceHey :)
(your link here more info)
  1. What item of clothing would you typically wear to a show?
  2. Pick an era.
  3. Pick a band.
  4. Do you have any piercings?
  5. Preferred alcoholic drink?
  6. Opinion on grunge?
  7. Pick an instrument.
  8. Pick a hairstyle (either your hairstyle, or the one you like the most)
  9. Pick an album
  10. Pick another album.
  11. Battle vests are...
  12. Raw D-beat...
  13. Metallica or Megadeth?
  14. Pick the last band.

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Quiz topic: Which metal subgenre am I? (The ultimate quiz)
