Mike's Metal Quiz

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This is essentially a quiz to test how kvlt you are, and how much denim and leather flow in your veins. Take this quick test to find your heavy metal purity.

Now I need to come up with 150 characters in order to be able to post the quiz... Finished with my woman cuz she couldn't help me with my mind.

Created by: Mike
  1. Which band did Kirk Hammet co-found before he joined Metallica in 1983?
  2. Who played guitar for Ozzy Osbourne after Randy Rhoades Passed away in 1982?
  3. Who sang on Iron Maiden's first two albums : Iron Maiden(1980) and Killers(1981), before being replaced by Bruce Dickinson in 1982?
  4. Which black-metal artist is infamously connected to the church burnings in Norway during the 90's?
  5. What band did Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister play in before he founded the legendary Motörhead?
  6. In December of 1984, Singer Vince Neil(Mötley Crüe) and drummer Razzle went on a booze run that resulted in a car accident that killed Razzle. Which band did Razzle drum for.
  7. Heavy metal heroes Judas Priest are famous for their twin guitar attack. Who were the the band's most famous axe players.
  8. Who replaced David Lee Roth as frontman for the band Van Halen?
  9. Chuck Schuldiner is famous for creating which wildly influential band.
  10. Singer King Diamond was part of which band before being ousted because of his "overtly satanic lyrics"

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