What countryball are you?

Have you ever wondered what countryball you are? Well this quiz will help you find out. You could be USA, Russia, poland, china, or Canada. I hope you like it.

This is the first quiz I ever made so play and I hope you like it. If you want more countries to be added just comment them down below. Most times when I play similar quizzes I always get USA.

Created by: Historian senior
  1. NATO or brics?
  2. What do you like on a flag
  3. Ww2 is happening again. Who’s side are you on
  4. What continent are you from
  5. What do you hope you’ll get
  6. Which of these countries do you like best
  7. What language do you speak
  8. What is your gender
  9. Do you prefer healthy or unhealthy foods
  10. Has your country been colonized in history?

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Quiz topic: What countryball am I?
