what colour unicorn are u

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if you play this quiz you will find out if you were a unicorn, what fur colour would it be! You can also find lots more quizes on GoToQuiz.com and you will have an amaizing time

Everyone preper yourself to see your unicorn coat ( fur ) colour and I hope you like your colour so enjoy this quiz and remember always have fun if you can : )

Created by: penny walster
  1. are unicorn afraid of humans
  2. are unicorns cute
  3. what is a unicorns fav food
  4. BOUNUS do you play roblox
  5. are you a meganplays fan
  6. what colours are unicorns mostly
  7. are they fluffy
  8. are they magic
  9. BOUNUS what would someone anme there pet megladon shark ( this is a joke clue is it is a girl )
  10. last question!!!!!!!!! what colour eyes do they have

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