What colour are you?

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Do you wanna find out which colour you are? Then play in this amazing and wonderful quiz! It has various 10 questions and will tell you a bit of your personality!

This quiz is for anyone who wants to find out their perfect colour match or just wants to have fun! The questions are sometimes a bit hard to choose but enjoy!!!

Created by: Anne
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What's your favourite game? (Technology)
  3. Cool colours or warm colours?
  4. What is your favourite board game?
  5. What floral thing do you prefer?
  6. What subject do you like?
  7. What painting style do you like?
  8. What colour scheme do you like?
  9. You would feel most hurt if someone called you. . .
  10. What do you wish to get?

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Quiz topic: What colour am I?
