What Rainwing Colour Are You?

In this quiz, you are a Rainwing and the different questions are different scenarios that happen in your rainforest home. At the end of the quiz, we will tell you what colour you are.

Be a Rainwing and figure out what Rainwing colour you are! This quiz is meant for people who have already read Wings of Fire books 1-4, but you can still take the quiz if you haven't.

Created by: Sandfall
  1. You meet a new dragon. What do you do?
  2. Your long-lost sibling gets in touch with you. How do you respond?
  3. Another dragon wakes you up during your precious sun time. What do you do?
  4. You're captured and taken to an arena. You have to fight another dragon. Which dragon do you choose to fight?
  5. You're playing Truth or Dare with a fellow dragon. What do you choose?
  6. Which tribe do you admire the most?
  7. A Rainwing shoots venom at you. What is your response?
  8. Ad break! Buy Wings of Fire books! Not sponsored!
  9. Would you say you're introverted or extroverted?
  10. Your fellow dragon makes you a salad, but it tastes terrible. What do you say?

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Quiz topic: What Rainwing Colour am I?
