What Colour Horse are You?

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In this fantastic quiz, you can see what horse colour you would be! The questions are fun, wacky and mostly random! have fun answering this quiz! I hope you get what you want!

In this quiz, all you have to use is your opinion! Your results tell you what colour you are of horse, your personallity (sorry if it is wrong) and how popular you are/how many friends you may have or something else!

Created by: Millie of quiz.com/whathorsecolourareyou
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favourite animal?
  2. What is your favourite colour?
  3. Have your ever ridden a horse
  4. (bonus it has no effect to the score (: ) What do you want for christmas/birthday?
  5. What is your name?
  6. Do you like this quiz so far?
  7. Do you like horses or just doing this because... well, why not?
  8. What is your favourite day?
  9. Do you chew gum?
  10. Last question! What is your favourite colour of horse?

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Quiz topic: What Colour Horse am I?
