Your Next Horse

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Hi guys! Welcome! This is a quiz about the next horse you'll get-colour, breed, name, and how you get it. You will even find out what you do with your horse!

Just answer ten simple questions to find out what your next horse will be. There are four possible horses! (This is my first quiz so sorry if you don't like it). Have fun!

Created by: Ramona
  1. Fist of all...what is your favourite colour?
  2. Do you ride English or Western? (If you don't ride, pick the one you would want to ride the most)
  3. Do you compete?
  4. Do you like ponies or horses?
  5. Your hobbies other then horses are...
  6. How many siblings do you have?
  7. What kind of music do you listen to?
  8. What do you look like?
  9. Choose your fate!
  10. Last question-have you had a horse before?

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Quiz topic: My Next Horse

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