What's your signature HSL colour? (Saturation and Lightness)

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HSL stands for HUE, SATURATION, and LIGHTNESS. This quiz will determine what Lightness and Saturation suit you best on the HSL colour wheel, based on your energy output, passive/activeness, and general outlook on the world.

If you want two colours, try answering once HONESTLY and once IDEALISTICALLY. At the end of this quiz is a link for the HUE quiz and an online colour-picker, so you can complete your HSL number.

Created by: mirthfulbrewist of Hue Quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. I believe that...
  2. I tend to be...
  3. I am...
  4. I tend to be...
  5. In general I am...
  6. In life, I am...
  7. I am...
  8. I...
  9. I am...
  10. Pick one.
  11. Pick one
  12. Pick one
  13. Generally I am...
  14. I am...
  15. Pick one
  16. I am...
  17. Pick one
  18. I am...
  19. Have you ever thought you are "too much"?
  20. At work I am...

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Quiz topic: What's my signature HSL colour? (Saturation and Lightness)

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