what color is your personality?

This quiz will see what color your personality is, it's not super accurate but it's fun:] there's only like 5 colors you can get, I can't make it very accurate because I don't know a lot about this stuff but whatever.

I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE, I hope you guys like the quiz it's my first quiz so yeah, I really don't have much to say lol I need 150 letters here I hope you get the color you want

Created by: livy
  1. Do you think your more of an optimist or pessimist?
  2. Are you down to earth or is your head in the clouds?
  3. what's your favorite color?
  4. Out of these instruments which one would you play?
  5. are you a calm person?
  6. which drink?
  7. introverted or extroverted?
  8. which movie? <3
  9. what music genre?
  10. last question, what fast food place are you picking?

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Quiz topic: What color is my personality?
