What is your personality type?

Tell me your favorite color, and I'll tell you your personality type. Answer 10 questions about colors you like and colors you have around you, and this quiz will tell you your 100% accurate personality type.

Make sure to answer all of the questions truthfully so that you get the correct personality type. If you can't choose, choose the color that you see the most.

Created by: A random cat
  1. What is your favorite color of the ones below?
  2. What is your favorite color of the ones below?
  3. What is your favorite color of the ones below?
  4. What is your favorite color of the ones below?
  5. What is your favorite color of the ones below?
  6. Pick an element.
  7. When is your birthday?
  8. Flip a coin.
  9. What is your favorite quiz type on GoToQuiz?
  10. LOL

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Quiz topic: What is my personality type?
