What Color Are You? (Official Colors Quiz)

Colors is a story where people show their personality on their skin with all of their vibrance and their glory. This quiz would just be to see what your true colors would be!

Patterns and designs are not included that is to the individual's decision. Ratios of color are based on results. If there are any questions, please feel free to ask or share your results!

Created by: kalzone
  1. Let's start this simple, how are you today?
  2. Where do you like to spend most of your time?
  3. Would you say you're more introverted or extroverted?
  4. Who are you in a conversation?
  5. What's the first thing YOU would describe yourself as?
  6. What's the first thing YOUR FRIEND might describe you as?
  7. What's your work ethic like?
  8. Sleep schedule?
  9. Would you say you're talented?
  10. Who are you in the friend group?
  11. How do you do when it comes to handling your emotions?
  12. Are you more of an idealist or a realist?
  13. How's your self esteem?
  14. What's your (main) love language?
  15. Do you consider yourself more stable or unstable?
  16. What would you say is your strongest human value?
  17. Thanks for taking the quiz! How was it?

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Quiz topic: What Color am I? (Official Colors Quiz)
