What color is your aura? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What color is your aura?
Your Result: Blue 85%
You got blue. Blue is a very beautiful color. You have a very good personality that is very kind and outgoing and reaches out to others. Your very helpful and usually go with the flow. You have lots of friends and love hanging out with them.
74% Red
72% Green
70% Orange
70% Yellow
69% Purple
63% Black
58% Pink -
You got orange. Orange is a vibrant colour that is bright. You most likely have a bright personality. You are good at making friends because of your outgoing personality, and you like making friends too. Many people like you.
81% Blue
76% Black
74% Red
69% Green
63% Yellow
58% Pink
57% PurpleI think it's true, yes, but I prefer wearing dark colours like black anyways I really enjoyed it thank youuuu🥂🤗❤🔥
Aurora172 -
What color is your aura?
Your Result: Purple 84%You got purple. Purple is very sophisticated color and is also mysterious. You are very mature but can also have your moments and surprise others by your actions sometimes. At first its hard to tell your personality but once people get to know you your usually very nice.
81% Orange
72% Green
69% Pink
68% Red
65% Blue
61% YellowBlb7351 -
What color is your aura?
Your Result: Purple
84%You got purple. Purple is very sophisticated color and is also mysterious. You are very mature but can also have your moments and surprise others by your actions sometimes. At first its hard to tell your personality but once people get to know you your usually very nice.
Redvanished1 -
Your Result: Blue 88%
You got blue. Blue is a very beautiful color. You have a very good personality that is very kind and outgoing and reaches out to others. Your very helpful and usually go with the flow. You have lots of friends and love hanging out with them.
76% Green
70% Purple
62% Yellow
58% Pink
45% Orange
36% Black
20% Red.Faheem961 -
Your quiz results
What color is your aura?
Your Result: Black 87%You got black. Black is a very dark color. You usually like spending time by yourself and you have friends but they are only the ones who are very close to you. You would much rather read your favorite book in your room alone than go to a party.
67% Green
55% Red
53% Pink
44% Purple
36% Orange
33% Blue
18% Yellow
bro knows me too well. -
What color is your aura?
Your Result: Blue 77%You got blue. Blue is a very beautiful color. You have a very good personality that is very kind and outgoing and reaches out to others. Your very helpful and usually go with the flow. You have lots of friends and love hanging out with them.
69% Orange
62% Yellow
58% Pink
56% Purple
56% Green
45% Red
29% Black -
Your Result: Black 83%
You got black. Black is a very dark color. You usually like spending time by yourself and you have friends but they are only the ones who are very close to you. You would much rather read your favorite book in your room alone than go to a party.
53% Red
44% Green
34% Orange
20% Purple
18% Pink
17% Blue
11% Yellow -
What color is your aura?
Your Result: Black 85%You got black. Black is a very dark color. You usually like spending time by yourself and you have friends but they are only the ones who are very close to you. You would much rather read your favorite book in your room alone than go to a party.
Red - 68%
Green - 51%
Orange - 36%
Purple - 34%
Pink - 33%
Blue - 28%
Yellow - 16%Yuvraj1 -
What color is your aura?
Your Result: Black 78%You got black. Black is a very dark color. You usually like spending time by yourself and you have friends but they are only the ones who are very close to you. You would much rather read your favorite book in your room alone than go to a party.
74% Red
72% Green
65% Purple
65% Blue
55% Orange
51% Yellow -
Your Result: Blue 83%
You got blue. Blue is a very beautiful color. You have a very good personality that is very kind and outgoing and reaches out to others. Your very helpful and usually go with the flow. You have lots of friends and love hanging out with them.
lucyblue1 -
Your Result: Black 89%
You got black. Black is a very dark color. You usually like spending time by yourself and you have friends but they are only the ones who are very close to you. You would much rather read your favorite book in your room alone than go to a party.
Asep1 -
You got black. Black is a very dark color. You usually like spending time by yourself and you have friends but they are only the ones who are very close to you. You would much rather read your favorite book in your room alone than go to a party.
Xray1 -
You got purple. Purple is very sophiticated color and is also mysterious. You are very mature but can also have your moments and suprise others by your actions sometimes. At first its hard to tell your personaltiy but once people get to know you your usually very nice
You got pink. Pink is a very girly and soft color. You are very color and love fashion and staying in with the latest trends. You are also refined and usually are very popular.i think that's true tho 💀♂
Your Result: Red 77%
You got red. Red is a fiery color so therefore you have a fiery personality. Your bold and you tend to not care what others think of you. You do your own thing and your brave for doing so.
*sniffle* you know me so well...
Your Result: Red 77%
You got red. Red is a fiery color so therefore you have a fiery personality. Your bold and you tend to not care what others think of you. You do your own thing and your brave for doing so.
Anoosha1 -
You got red. Red is a fiery color so therefore you have a fiery personality. Your bold and you tend to not care what others think of you. You do your own thing and your brave for doing so.
Looooolllllllll so truee🥴
Awesome quiz!
sms2 -
Hey thanks! My other quizzes are "What is your true hair color?" and "What store is best for your style?" and it will be created by Shona(which is me).
Red,I am very bold and don't let people get in the way of my dreams or beliefs I will get aggressive if they try to stop me though. Cool quiz mate!
Zimswife1 -
interestingly enough s i as going through this i thought my colour would be blue and it turned out tobe yellow! very cool!
pds2 -
Cool, I'm orange! Good quiz... ARE YOU BORED? If so, then please, try out my newest quiz:
"Who are you in your circle of friends?"
You know you want to find out... ;) -
I didn't expect it
Minkx1 -
Cherry Red
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