What book series do you remind me of?

Have you ever wondered what book series you are??? Well get ready to find out! I'll also recommend you a song depending what your result is! I hope you enjoy!

Nobody even reads these anyway, heck I don't! Why do we even need 2 paragraphs?? This is an inaccurate online quiz, not an essay for my english class!

Created by: PjoFan101
  1. What is your favorite out of these options!?
  2. What's your favorite fictional animal out of these options!?
  3. Books or Graphic Novels?
  4. What out of these do you like best?!
  5. School or No School?
  6. What song do you like best?
  7. Loose all your Friends or Family?
  9. Magic, Swords, or Claws?
  10. FaTe

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Quiz topic: What book series do I remind me of?
