What Black Ops Zombie Character Are You?

Hello do you ever wonder what cod zombie player your related to. Could it be Dempsey, Takeo or maybe drunk Nikola or is it Cowardly but efficient Richtofen.

Guess what this quiz will tell you who you are most related to. Are you wise, drunk, cowardly, or a tank do you like auto or semi-auto guns do you like scary or large maps figure out now.

Created by: Name
  1. What's your most favorite gun?
  2. Least favorite gun.
  3. Fav box weapon
  4. Most fav wonder weapon.
  5. Least fav box weapon.
  6. Least fav wonder weapon.
  7. Most fav perk
  8. Least fav perk
  9. Most fav map
  10. Least fav map
  11. Fav charcter
  12. Most fav boss
  13. Least fav boss
  14. Finally Most fav game (no effect).

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Quiz topic: What Black Ops Zombie Character am I?