zombie quiz by leroy

there are alot of zombie quizzes i have done hundreds and taken my favorite questions and put them all together in what i think is one of the best quizzes

there are alot of zombie quizzes i have done hundreds and taken my favorite questions and put them all together in what i think is one of the best quizzes yuo will be asked zombie related q's

Created by: Leroy
  1. You here about the zombie outbreak and you know you need to....
  2. at your home apartment or residence you have access to ..........
  3. if you could take one of these things you would take...........
  4. ok so now u have a choice take people or not ....... 4 people approach u so u take...
  5. which is the best hideout......
  6. ur body type is ..............
  7. do you have a plan for zombie day
  8. whats better ............
  9. best clothes ..............
  10. you hear about a rescue squad nearby and you .........

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