What zombie perk are u??

Have you played zombies on call of duty :black ops? well this personality quiz is about the perks you get. well,All I can say is hope you get what perk you love best and be honest.

in case you didn't know the perks are: Max revive: you revive teammates faster Jugger-Nog:it takes more hits for zombies to kill you Speed Cola:you reload your gun faster and rebuild barreirs faster Stamin-up:run faster Double-tap Root Beer: Your gun shoots faster PHD Flopper: when you dive down stairs the zombies around you explode

Created by: chase

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. there are a swarm of zombies headed your way and a teamate is down, what do you do?
  2. (easy question) what is your fav. perk
  3. if you were an assasin how would kill your targets
  4. which of these jobs would you like to have?
  5. what is your fav day of the week (besides sunday)
  6. what is your fav color
  7. what is your least fav zombies perk
  8. what is your fav animal
  9. what is your least fav animal
  10. what is your least fav color

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