How spicy are you?

Old Spice FC, being a rather elusive, tastey, perk bottomed, greasy, developing and at times seedy team, strive to illuminate themselves to the public eye...

This quiz, should bring both the Spice, and fans of the Spice together as one being, enough to give anyone the runs. It will also seperate the Phaals from the Baby Spices out there...Enjoy!

Created by: Old Spice FC

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In what context is the name 'Old Spice' actually meant?
  2. Where are the Old Spice FC matches played?
  3. Who are the usual opponents for the Old Spice?
  4. What day and event, is an Old Spicer's favourite of the week?
  5. What does playmaker Joe Clarke love doing the most?
  6. Which high school do most of the spicers derive from?
  7. How does sturdy left back pumpkin spend most weekends?
  8. How did Smith come to organising matches with our opponents?
  9. Which readable form of media is goalkeeper Kallum Taylor often accused of wanting to be in?
  10. How good is Craig on guitar?
  11. What year was Johnny 'JIB' Lucas born?
  12. Which Old Spice member is the longest in the shower?
  13. Where did kallum learn his goalkeeping trade?
  14. Why do you want to be a true old spicer?

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Quiz topic: How spicy am I?