What Be Your Nerd Type? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Be Your Nerd Type?
I'm a literature nerd... how does it know me??? I got drama nerd for second place, also very accurate, and I'm not surprised I literally got 0% anime nerd lol.
same for anime I like don't even know what anime is lol :D
Yo people will you quit ith the blackmail! god! every quiz i take is filled upwith it! i'm getting tired of it. will u plz stop it oesn't work! you just want to believe everything on the frickin internet! The Internet lies! thankyou for your time in reading this
I had a tie between book nerd and music nerd. So true because I've read 100+ books IN A MONTH and I play more then 1 instrument very well actually.
This was actually a good quiz. The questions were not so obvious as to point out which answer they related to and the format was good!
Krimsalt1 -
HI my names joe and my muum and dad shove pencil shavings in my dick I have brown hair yellow teeth red eyes and black set of goth clothing if u dont send this to 17 people in 5 minutes i will stab u and write jack on ur back.good luck
This quiz was so bland....I got musician, evermore, I do like video games of SOME TYPES, like CallOfDuty,..,blahb lahblah. I mean, Zelda? Really? I don't even know any thing about the games. Again, if you want to mAke a quiz, make it correct. Please. This was the worst I've ever took, and I don't listen to feedback. Retarded.
gamer/computer nerd, almost 100%
then literary nerd (close second)
then artistic nerd,
then anime nerd.some of those questions had some pretty fuzzy references. heh heh heh. ;)
computer nerd to the max!!! ^^
Result:Science/Math Nerd
Gamer/Compute r Nerd
Literature Nerd
Arti stic Nerd
Social Nerd
Anime Nerd
Drama Nerd.
Lol,put those all together and you get me.Speedie1 -
Not a bad quiz.
But if this is a quiz to find out what kind of a nerd you are, why the hell would they put the question: " What kind of a nerd do you consider yourself to be? " Isn't that the whole point of the quiz? Jesus, people these days.
I thought this would be a really fun quiz cuz I LOVE LOVE LOVE Star Trek and Stargate and Andromeda and all my other sci fi shows... nope had nothing to do with that... darn :p Oh well it told me I'm smart :) can't complain about that ;) hehe ;)
My "literature nerd" was offended as well. I was particularly confused when they spelled "architect" "architecht". It took me a minute, and then I actually LAUGHED. I think I should begin a career as an architecht.
thebee1 -
I am a total musician nerd. Although if there were a musician/literature nerd, that might honestly fit me better. But I can go with musician :)
Aonani1 -
I got anime nerd and I am not surprise people XD I am also not surprised at the fact that social nerd is at the VERY BOTTOM LOLLLL
Yes, you got them right, but I actually belong to more than one (really two) label of my nerd type. But most of all at least you got it right at least. I AM A NERD and i'm proud of it hehe.
King_J1 -
Literature nerd...... That's so me! I have written 3 books and I'm only 10. I also love acting and drama nerd was second! This quiz was awesome.
WOOHOO! BOOK NERDS RULE! (The word bookworm is LITERALLY included in my email) WRITING/READING RULES (I am literally the person in my school who reads/writes the most)
Musician? Whuuut?
Fine I guess you're right..I'm all about everything from listening to music to playing it in my head to playing music to making songs.
I got literature nerd I love to write and read. I am writing a good book right now called summers moon. If you want to see a paragraph of the book just post
Yeah, social nerd.... ma sis' was looking over my shoulder as I took the quiz, and said that I should seriously start psycho-analysing myself for once. A psychologist would be a fun career choice! ^-^
Well, I got the Music Nerd. I love hearing music, but I'm no good at instruments, jaja. I also love literature and drama. Am I a nerd at all?
Result: Social Nerd.
Yeeeeeep.. . totally me! I got a low musician score, but I'm a singer, so of course I had to answer no to those questions. XD Everything else, pretty much dead on. :D
Excuse me? Get a life? Trust me, its YOU who needs to get a life! I mean, people who make fun of popular people are just desperate wannabes. So, seriously, get your probably gigantic ass out of this world.
I'm more than one! I'm not just an anime nerd--I live in a freakin' library and I'm the president of my science and engineering club for gods' sakes!
Was hoping more for art sense I want to be a animator someday but I got literature maybe it's all the old fanfics xD
Zimswife1 -
Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works. It's okay. I understand.