What Be Your Nerd Type? | Comments

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  • Literature!

    you are soooo right girl! I had my computer seized because I was reading too much books online! But I sneeked it it the middle of the night when my parents were asleep! Though I hate language art.

  • What Be Your Nerd Type?
    Your Result: Literature Nerd 86%

    Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works. It's okay. I understand.

    69% Drama Nerd
    61% Artistic Nerd
    57% Science/Math Nerd
    56% Musician
    38% Social Nerd
    30% Anime Nerd
    22% Gamer/Computer Nerd

    Great quiz, and so true! Side note to other commenters: please, please, PLEASE, stop the chain mail. How is your computer supposed to know your crushes name? Also, I have been seeing this for months, and have not died. It just gives the people who post it a bad name.

  • Question: "Do you flare up when discussing politics and somebody opposes your view?"

    Me: Is that the same thing like when someone says your favorite character sucks? Meh, I'll just put a random one this time. . .

  • Your Result: Gamer/Computer Nerd

    Just like me =D I do play video games almost whole day and most of the night, but I appreciate reading a book or two, watching anime and having some fun ;)

  • I am a literature, artistic, social and computer nerd. In that order. Except I'm not social....

    And I took out the gamer thing, because I like computers and programming, but I don't play video games.

  • literature nerd sweet, but I didn't see plain old comic book nerd, X-men, Wolverine, Deadpool, Cable, Hulk, etc. have nothing to do with anime, and as recent years box office totals have shown there are plenty of us comic book nerds.

  • Science/Math Nerd SO TRUE! My science doesn't call me in class anymore, because some pretty disturbing about the human anatomy and psychology, I think I got it from my mom...>.> in 5th grade she wrote a paper on biowarfare.

  • Cool I got Musician and that totally fits me. I can play the flute, the oboe, the clarinet, the piano, and the recorder (although I don't really consider the recorder an instrument).

  • "Social nerd"? What sort of a nerd is that?

    I'm a science nerd and a drama nerd, possibly a literature nerd... but how did I get to be a social nerd first and foremost? I'll have to hide in a corner and be antisocial now. That'll show this silly quiz! :P

  • Literature Nerd.

    Ah, so true. I mean, I recently became interested in Orson Scott Card, and read all of his Ender books (including the spin off quartet) in about three weeks. So that's about 3200 pages. Go me. XD

  • Hey, why was there no LN? I had to make due with merely N. The graph should have % so that one can see how close the various catagories are. I scored fairly high on all, so is my Musician Nerd within a point of two of my Literature Nerd (the Highest)

  • I am like an everything nerd. I know a lot about sickness and thing so when someone gets hurt at the park they come to me. I had the lead role in plays before. I have an A+ in math. I am a 6th grader but have a 12th grade 9th month reading level. I

  • About question number 10 I actually do play the flute and I'm amazing even though I'm in beginning band I'm still lead flute I love music and I love this quiz almost as much

    Olaf hutcherson
  • I got science/math nerd?! I want to be a biomedical engineer so the science i'm ok with...but math..shiver NO!!! I love anime, I draw it, I want to my make my own manga. If you hate anime your loss. Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's and Yu-Gi-Oh rule!!!!! Though funny thing is im too pretty to be a nerd = ( people say I should be a model lol, ps I am a girl.

    Yusei Fudo
  • Ruffles138, it's obvious you're not a literature nerd. That grammar would kill an english teacher.

    Drama nerd per moi. :) That's very right. XD Haha zero % gamer or anime nerd. Good. :P

  • literary nerd

    I am a literary nerd all the way. 60+ books in a lifetime? is that a real question? I read like, a book a day, two if i stay up all night. and yes, i'm aware that isn't healthy.

    You do not want to get me started on why I read. It is taking all my willpower not to write an essay on it right now. so i must stop right now. However you will not catch me saying somthing like. GO BOOKS!!! ewwwwww. i may be a nerd but not that much of a nerd.

  • I am a science/math nerd it figures I mean my dad is a majaor scince and math teacher he teaches kindergarden through cloege math and scince he teaches arimetic biology advansed math chemisty mine and his favorite and any other math or scince thing you can think of.

    link rocks
  • ok... im not a nerd. im an ordinary person. well i just saw a site called http://queeky.com and its a weird site name but its about artistic drawing. i tryed one but no good at it. and this quiz was seriously ok but awful. not a real masterpiece like some one's quiz masterpiece. just doesn't fit in common. make a quiz of a quiz masterpiece guy!

  • I LOVE video games! And sometimes I watch anime.

    Btw, what the heck is up with these annoying repost-messages? Ugh. They are like, YEARS old, why don't people just stop?

  • Literature Nerd, I got Literature Nerd. I should have got artistic but NOOOOOO that freak had yo give me Literature Nerd which I am NOT a literature nerd. This quiz was a rip off.

  • Funny. I'm a definite introvert, I can;t be around people for more than a few hours. And yet I'm so fascinated by them! Social nerd. I love to people watch, ask people questions.

  • Omg I got anime nerd but the next two on the list were also true-literature nerd and gamer nerd. I loved this quiz and its very easy to tell you spent ALOT of time in it. congratulations your awesome!

  • I had to accept the fact that I'm a bookworm (literature nerd) with a high rating on the science/math nerd level. Sigh. My friends tried to tell me, but I guess I read too much to even listen to them =_="

  • Okay, so I'm definitely not a social nerd, but I AM a gaming nerd and you forgot my alignment in your question referencing RPGs. Chaotic Good. Otherwise, pretty decent quiz.

  • Music nerd. So true. Often, in chorus, I feel like I'm the only one that notices the wrong vowel when it sounds really bad. Yeah, I know, entirely nerdy response...


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