icinoddness's Profile
Joined on Jan 24, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
icinoddness's Quizzes
- Icinoddness-Important Anouncements!!!![published: Feb 17, 2014]
Icinoddness-Update. First of all, I really want to apologize for leaving everyone hanging……
- An Odd Medieval Tale. (Part 2)[published: Jul 15, 2012, 2 comments]
This is the second quiz. If you have not taken the first one, go back and do so. Thanks to……
- An Odd Medieval Tale.[published: May 09, 2012, 3 comments]
* PLEASE READ* I know i took for-ev-eron making a new one but i just moved the i got my DS taken away,……
- How well do you know magical starsign?[published: Feb 24, 2012]
Magical Starsign is a turn based DS game. It is a sequel to magical Vacation, but I dont……
- An Odd Love Story Fanale! (part ten)[published: Feb 18, 2012, 3 comments]
This is a "fan"ale haha! I'm sooo sorry it took so long! I had my ds taken away so I……
- An Odd Love Story (part ten)[published: Feb 10, 2012, 4 comments]
Thanks to my commenters-Firey_Soul( when I read your comment I couldn't stop laughing),……
- An Odd Love Story (part nine)[published: Feb 08, 2012, 4 comments]
Thanks so much to Faith( Thanks I'm glad you think its awesome!), sundaisy ( Thats really good I……
- An Odd Love Story ( part eight)[published: Feb 07, 2012, 6 comments]
This is part eight notice the eight in that sentence? It means their are seven others that come……
- An Odd Love Story (part seven)[published: Feb 06, 2012, 10 comments]
Sorry this one took longer I was busy. Also I made another quiz that isn't a part of this series.……
- What Rosario+Vampire girl should you date?[published: Feb 06, 2012, 5 comments]
Rosario+Vampire is a manga and anime created by Akihisa Ikeda. The first season has……
- An Odd Love Story (part six)[published: Feb 04, 2012, 5 comments]
This is part six. six. not one. start at one. then read up to here. Thanks! Dakota is the super……
- An Odd Love Story (part five)[published: Feb 02, 2012, 7 comments]
Thanks for taking my quiz! Please take the other an odd love stories 1-4 so this one will make……
- An Odd Love Story (part four)[published: Feb 01, 2012, 4 comments]
Part four is here! yay! so ya, im totally making a new guy, so keep an eye out! Also I'm open to……
- An Odd Love Story (part three)[published: Feb 01, 2012, 3 comments]
Yay part three! ya so Trevor is the football player who has blonde hair, hazel eyes, and great……
- An Odd Love Story (part two)[published: Jan 31, 2012, 5 comments]
Hello this is An Odd Love Story (part two). I've just seen that there is another story called an……
- An Odd Love Story.[published: Jan 30, 2012, 3 comments]
This flirting quiz is called An odd love story because its odd and Its made by icinoddness. So yea, thats me.……
- What anime guy should you date?[published: Jan 25, 2012, 6 comments]
This quiz is to see what anime character you should date. Of course, you cant really date them……
- What awsome manga character are you?[published: Jan 24, 2012, 3 comments]
Hi! This is my first quiz and I made it for manga/anime lovers or people who just like……
icinoddness's Recent Posts
"Oh yeah I totally do that. I'll scream out the weirdest stuff just cause I can. Like I'll rip off your head and put it on backwords or stuff..."
"I'm listening too My Chemical Romance's Helena"
"I love House, I watch it ALL the time!"
"I've see Blue Exorcist Fullmetal alchemist Meru peri Vampire night Bleach Naruto Hetalia "
"I totally Love FMA too!"
icinoddness's Recent Quiz Comments
"Oh, lol....someone's been watching too much South Park. Super funny, good quiz. I'm cereal about this, you guys."
2 -
"You should take my quizzes! Also, you should take the beautiful secrets quizzes and the teenage chronicle quizzes. They are really good! "
1 -
"How does this make me level up?"
1 -
"How did you get it to allow you to have only three questions? Oh, btw, I won. Everyone picks scissors."
1 -
"Awesome sauce! I got Raven! She's so awesome. Congrats starfire261, for getting Starfire."
1 -
"I got You are hyper, you are a shoe eating unicorn, and you like pie all at 92% Whoot! Does that mean I am a hyper, pie eating, hyper…"
2 -
"This was a really long quiz, well thought out, extremely accurate, and one of the best quizzes I've taken. But hot damn, you know a lot of…"
1 -
"I got Ember tween. Idk what that was until I read the description. Pretty accurate, and I love the pic."
1 -
"I got the dark one followedby the smart one. This quiz is super epic!"
1 -
"I got Sally. I loooove creepy pasta! Great quiz!"