Prowler24's Profile

Joined on Nov 25, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
Prowler24's Quizzes
- Metamorphism test[published: Dec 11, 2010, 1 comment]
Science is a world of knowledge. Perhaps it is you in a world. Your very own world. But when it comes to……
Prowler24's Recent Posts
"Just my job. Always searching for the honest truth as a politic."
"I don't like sledding or anything like that, last time I fell off and rolled down the hill and hit my head on a rock."
"Ah, that clears it all up. So about the snow, I mean ICE..did you slip on it and laugh afterwards or cry?"
"The words of an American no?"
"Oh ..wait why?"
"All of them suck. OSB is the only thing left"
"Jeez. Brutal, I didn't even play on the snow. Too cold and dangerous for me..I'm just watching Seinfeld."
"For good.. (I'm kidding...Let's start over shall we? Hi what up?)"
"Your time. But Seriosuly, it really is..."
" (The room is of course)"
"You kiddin? I use Youtube like it's google :P"
"16 Mujer"
"1, seems to be the only sane one eh?"
Prowler24's Recent Quiz Comments
"This quiz was so bland....I got musician, evermore, I do like video games of SOME TYPES, like CallOfDuty,..,blahb lahblah. I mean, Zelda?…"
1 -
"40%?....well ya you're right...."
1 -
"I think I'm gonna puke.....I do not have bad taste in music-you know what, Toby? How bout you do something else except making quizzes like…"
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"Freaking worse quiz I've ever took in my life. I say YOUU are the jackass, my enemy. "
1 -
"What a poor quiz. I rate it 0. "
1 -
"My result was mix up with music or whatever. This quiz is confusing! I don't even smoke"
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"Just so you know, Lily, we all got the same dag nabit one. "
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"damn it, I got the tiger. Why can't I get the wolf?"
1 -
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"I'm Carl Fredrikson...hmmm.. ..I can relate "