What Are Your Dreams Telling You? | Comments

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  • Last night, one of our closet doors had a bright how seeping out, like a light was on. Me, being the compete chicken I am, ran forward, locked the two locks on the door, and fled into my room, falling asleep on my bed. That night (last night), I dreamt only my mom and I were home. I look at the same door in my dream world and see someone's finger poking through. Terrified, I tell my mom, and she agrees that there is someone there. We try to hide but they quickly come out and see us. My mom tries to fight them off and so do I. However, whiteness takes over my eyes. Where the guy should be, I see a white blur. My movements in my dreams are usually slowed a LOT, like trying to move through water, and it is usually very hard to speak, but this time I didn't need to speak and my movements weren't slowed as much. Another guy takes this guy's place and threatens ti beat us up and kill all our dogs by the end of the week. This made me super mad. Roaring, I swipe at him, but he has the advantage of seeing more (this guy I can see better, but still not completely) and is a better a better fighter. He's not too hard on me and gets himself rolled up in some ribbon. I quickly take advantage and pull him out the door, the ribbon unwinding itself from an unworried him, and just barely stayed on as I throw him out the door. I quickly lock the door as he runs up and tries to get back in. After a moment, I remember the door they came through and run, trying to lock it. However, it needed to be pushed in to be locked, and I keep throwing my body against it, trying to lock it but it was not easy. I came close once. The guy gets through the door and my dad comes home, driving him out while my mom ride of the other two guys... THE END!!! :D

    • Wow, that was good! I liked it, I mean it was thrilling, not too scary or anything. Cool. :D

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  • Someone or something is holding you back from expressing your feelings, so instead of expressing your emotions in real life, you have chosen to do so in a dream or nightmare. Is something bothering you? Or making you feel weak, depressed, angry or confused? Are you biting your tongue on some sort of issue? Well, if so, then it's time to speak out and get your emotions out. For more info or possibilites with your dreams, go to dreammoods.com

    I dreamed about scorpions all over the floor. I hated it and in the shower I was constantly afraid that scorpions were after me.

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  • Untrustworthy People

    Somebody you are around is being... sneaky. They should not be trusted because either they are lying, backstabbing, getting you into trouble, the possibilities are endless. Watch your back when it comes to your friends and foes, because somebody you might trust, or a person you dislike, may be after you. For more info or possibilites with your dreams, go to dreammoods.com.

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  • I dream the same dream. I am on medication that I forget to take and I will die without it. I wake up freaking out looking for the medication. Takes me a few minutes to realize I dont take anything its only a dream. Its so real, it happens a lot. I will scream out to my husband I forgot my medicine. What does this mean????

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  • In my half awake half asleep dream state, something will happen, and i will be jolted awake. Like when i was younger, i dreamed my brother shoved my head under water when we were in a pool, and i woke up instantly. And sometimes, i have little... I want to say visions? I dream something, and it last up to about five minutes. and it will happen the next day. WHY????

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  • I have a recurring dream. The scenes are different but the main character is the same. It is always evil. I have also woke up with sleep paralysis in the past.. I always know to stay away from it. And it always resides in an attic or top floor of a building.

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  • had a dream that i was told my right lung and kiddney wont work long i am in good health why would i dream that and in the same night had a dream my fieance cheated on me with my cousin this is just crazy what is this telling me

    • What does it mean if you dream about kids being beaten to death ? And in that dream you go down the stairs yelling at them to stop but they look at you but donĀ“t hear you .

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  • Almost all of my dreams are about Spartans or the U.S. Marines.

    (Strangel y, all of the Marine dreams are in Sparta Dreams. Maybe they're related? Usually, I'm a Spartan in the Marines in these dreams)

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  • Ugh I had a dream last night and it was freaking me the f--- out! I was a immigrant and in real life im no immigrant I'm a resident! I don't know how I dreamed this like wow this is my first experience! :( now I know how my parents went through with this immigrant shxt!

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  • what dose it mean when your dream you are being chased by rainbow deer climb a wall like spider man fall almost to you death than get saved by a hot dude and kiss?????

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  • My dreams are weird I keep being followed bya short balck haired girl and lad about my age who keeps looking at me as if he's waiting for me

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  • Awesome quiz

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  • What Are Your Dreams Telling You?
    Your Result: Bondage

    resultWhether it be a relationship or friendship, something is about to come forward. Maybe a new relationshp or friendship will begin and good will come out of it. Or a relationship you have been stuck in, or a friendship with a friend who isn't exactly friendly, is about to end. Let things go about their ways, and see where it takes you. For more info or possibilities with your dreams, go to dreammoods.com.

    well, that is interesting... not sure if its a "good" interesting or a "bad" interesting lol but oh wells ^.^

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  • yay! I might have a relationship! I like this one boy and i have heard rumors that he likes me too!

    Evelyn Waters
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  • Bby, I doubt anybody wants to see balls. Could you guys pweaze do this stuff on other quizzes, please?

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  • I luvh this quiz Kaitie... but it made me sad when the result said I might lose a friendship..

    because I might.. and I don't want to ;(
    nice quiz 1O/1O

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  • Awesomeness

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  • coolio

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  • coolio

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  • i have a Q what dose it mean when you have a dream when you are being chased by deer that are the color of the rainbow and are trying to kill you and you climb a wall like spider man fall get saved by a really hot dude and then kiss?????

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  • nice quiz ^.^

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  • Ahem.....thats nice to know....
    I think this was a good quiz. ^.^ 10!

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  • kool quiz.

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