What Are Your 4 Main Theriotypes?

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If you want to know what might be your main Theriotypes (four) go ahead and take this quiz. Although no quiz could really truly tell you what type you are, it’s nice to get an idea.

But you have to decide your Theriotypes for yourself!! You are the only one who can know what you truly are inside. Taking quizzes can at least give you some ideas based on your personality!!

Created by: Peyton
  1. Are you a dog or cat?
  2. Fast and smart, gentle and kind, fierce and strong, playful and relaxed?
  3. Where is your happy place?
  4. Which Animal
  5. If you could have a tail, which one would you prefer?
  6. What kind of fox would you like to be?
  7. What Theriotype would you like to have?
  8. If someone laughed at your mask what would you do?
  9. What is your fave color?
  10. How was my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What am Ir 4 Main Theriotypes?
