I Need Advice ( Please Take )

I have to write a play for my class to do. I have four main ideas but am not sure which to entirely pursue. I need an answer to this question as soon as possible.

Please read through my ideas below and comment on which you think is the best idea. I am desperate for help. Also if you have any advice for how the play should be done I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Created by: HELP
  1. Did you read the top paragraphs?
  2. If you didn't please do as they contain vital info.
  3. The first idea I had for a play was Cinderella. The script is already finished, but I got complaints from my fellow students that Cinderella is too babyish.
  4. The second idea I had was about Jews during World War II. It will track their life as they try to hide from the germans. The script is started but not complete.
  5. The third idea I had was a play I called Operation: Stay At Home. It's about a family that learns they have to move and the kids don't want to so they start finding ways to make sure they don't move. This one I need serious advice about. It is not even started.
  6. The final idea I had was about the Lost Colony. It's a colony that went missing in the 1500's. The play will track famous people like the Dare's and John White, as well as some made up people. Look up the lost colony if you have no idea what I'm talking about. The play is partially complete.
  7. Okay those are my ideas. I need to decide what to do asap and I need t finish it early November at the latest, so please comment and give advice.
  8. Also if you have any play ideas feel free to comment those as well.
  9. ...
  10. Bye. Thank you for your help!

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