What are you in the 7th grade?

this quiz is about your in the 7th grade and you meet this person you really like and a bully that is probably gonna not be your favorite! you know these quizzes are kinda like those games where you have to make choices and in the future they mean something important? most quizzes are like that. whelp i hope you enjoy the quiz and click on the smiley for part 2!

oh and um part 2 wont be until i actually go to the 8th grade and i will probably make a part 3...only if you want a part 3 of course! and like i said i hope you all enjoy this quiz!

Created by: Jordan
  1. Question 1. First day of school and a bully is telling you to give up your lunch money! what do you do?
  2. Question 2. your gonna be late for math class and your teacher closes the door before you come inside and gives you a tardy slip to assume your not new here what do you do?
  3. Question 3. while running to the office you ran into this boy/girl and he/she drops all of his/her stuff on the floor. what do you do?
  4. Question 4. Your eating lunch alone and the bully sees you. what do you do?
  5. Question 5. your in cooking class and you see the boy/girl you bumped into earlier and you go up to him/her. what do you do?
  6. Question 6. It's recess and the bully puts you up to a fight. what do you do?
  7. Question 7. you ended up on the ground and the boy/girl you like tries to stand up to the bully for you and helps you up. what will you say or do?
  8. Question 8. its valentine's day today and you don't know what to give to the boy/girl you like. what do you do?
  9. Question 9. you finally got to school and ended up buying the box of chocolates and the card and you saw him/her in the gym. what do you do?
  10. Question 10. It's the last day of school and the boy/girl runs up to you and hugs you and says your a good friend even know i don't know your name. what do you do?
  11. they finally says their name. their name is Max/Emerald.

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Quiz topic: What am I in the 7th grade?
