What are U? Brain rot edition

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This quiz is designed to determine what type of "brainrot" you embody. Your responses play a crucial role in this process, so be sure to choose wisely and thoughtfully. Selecting answers that truly resonate with you will ensure a result that accurately reflects your unique personality and interests.

If you rush through or choose at random, you may end up with a result that feels completely out of touch with who you are. Take your time and enjoy the journey of self-discovery!

Created by: whatthesigma
  1. Fav Food?
  2. Fav Quote?
  3. Fav Drink?
  4. How many people have u rizzed up
  5. What would u kill someone for
  6. Do u think ur skinny
  7. Sticking out ur gyat for the rizzler
  8. i just wanna be part of ur
  9. Do Your Friends think you have a chance at being the rizzler?
  10. Finally, do u live in ohio

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