what animal am i

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all the therian quizes helped me find my theriotype now let me help you find yours. this quiz should help you find your theriotype and i hope it does!

if your results do not seam right to you then play again but choose carefully ! this quiz might not have your theiotype but it is what you relate to !

Created by: unkown therian
  1. what is your age
  2. what animals do you feel connected to
  3. where do you prefer to be
  4. what do you feel you have
  5. what kind of foods do you prefer
  6. okay now im running out of questions so what are your hobbys
  7. whats your favorite color
  8. did you enjoy this quiz
  9. do you feel that you have been trapped in a body thats not yours
  10. idk

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