What's your theriotype?

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Thank you so much for deciding to take this quiz today and I hope you have fun taking it. *Disclaimer* please remember that this quiz is Just for fun,

and is not 100% accurate. no quiz can 100% accuracy tell you what your theriotype is, only you can figure that out. So with that being said let's get right onto it ♡♡

Created by: Lexi_the_m0uze
  1. You see danger! What do you do?
  2. Which one of these diets sound right?
  3. Which body part do you feel most connected to or would most like to have?
  4. Which one of these environments do you feel most connected to?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. How do you like to sleep to get a good night's rest?
  7. Do you prefer to go solo or stick in a group?
  8. What's your favorite thing to do?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What's my theriotype?
