Week 10 Quiz - Punishment & Autonomy

The following is a quiz based on Chapters 3 and 4 of "How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk," as well as our discussion in class on March 26.

The questions in this quiz are all multiple choice or true/false. Please answer them to the best of your ability within the 24 hours after class. Good luck!

Created by: Alyson Grzyb
  1. When punishing children for misbehavior what are depriving them of?
  2. Punishment leads to feelings of...
  3. Which two options are appropriate ways to stop a child from misbehaving?
  4. When we problem-solve with children we should write down suggestions without evaluating their worthiness.
  5. Who should always be a part of the problem-solving process?
  6. Which of the following is not a way to encourage autonomy?
  7. Saying "no" can often lead to tantrums. Which of the following is not helpful to use as follow-up with a no statement?
  8. Sometimes parents feel sad or disappointed when children don't need their help anymore. Is this normal?
  9. Children should experience the consequences of misbehavior, but not punishment.
  10. What if your child's problem solving plan stops working after a few days, weeks, months?

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