Daily check in quiz

Good evening! Take the quiz to review over your day and take a look at your behavior based on the way you followed your rules and expectations throughout the day.

At the end of the quiz, you have to record your score so it can be averaged at the end of the week. You will average your scores after church on Sunday. If you behaved well Sunday afternoon is your time if not it’s punishment time.

Created by: Ava
  1. Did you complete all of your chores
  2. Did you complete your homework
  3. Did you swear or gossip
  4. Did you lie or cheat
  5. I ate atleast 2 fruits
  6. My physical activity today included
  7. Do you go to school
  8. Did you steal
  9. I hurt someone mentally
  10. I hurt someone physically
  11. I helped someone without being asked
  12. I was responsible
  13. I procrastinated or was overly lazy
  14. In school today I
  15. My grade in band
  16. My grade in gym is
  17. My grade in social studies is
  18. My grade in math is
  19. My grade in LA is
  20. My grade in French is
  21. My grade in science is
  22. I misbehaved and it was a
  23. My meals and snacks were
  24. Did you go to sleep at 10:15 if it’s a weekday or 11:30 if it’s a weekend (last night)
  25. What was your screen time today

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