Weather : Pretest and Practice test

Hello teachers!! Are you starting weather in your 5th grade class?? Well if you are, use this quiz for your class. It preps them for what is coming and then as a practice test when you finish your module on weather.

This is the BEST quiz on weather for 5th graders and maybe even for prepping 6th graders. So why are you waiting and reading this?!?!?!?!?! Go start quizzing your class!!!!!!

Created by: Mr. Blum
  1. What is liquid precipitation called?
  2. What is the water cycle order of events?
  3. Condensation makes_______?
  4. Which is a cloud type?
  5. Barometric pressure aka air pressure is...
  6. What is the real definition of wind speed?
  7. What is humidity?
  8. Temperature is________?
  9. What is climate?
  10. What is hail?

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